Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Journal Entry 26 Blog 35

Today was a long day, after waiting for the chief to finish his daily hunting, which took two days, I was suddenly intercepted by a courier who told me he had a message for just my eyes. After taking the letter from him I proceeded into my cabin where I read in the dark, to make sure no one could spy, a letter that told me to enter the jungle and follow a secret path to where I could finally find the golden man I have been looking for. The next morning packed up some equipment and set out through the jungle, when I finally found the secret path that had obviously been walked on my many people, I was quickly enveloped in a bright mist that blinded me for quite some time until I tripped over some sort of root. At closer inspection however, the root was a bone. As I scurried away from the hard, white, club, I was heard a voice that I could not locate. “Do not be freighted child” suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my head and I was instantly knocked unconscious. It has been, what I assume to be, at least 6 hours that I have been locked in a room. While it is a splendid room, with paintings and furnishings, it can only be noticed that it has accumulated a large amount of dust from not having its warm doors opened to anyone for years.

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